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Tecnargilla 2016′ news
18 Oct

Tecnargilla 2016′ news

The twenty-fifth edition of Tecnargilla, the world´s most important ceramic and brick industry supplies exhibition, ended this Friday, September 30. This edition was marked by a palpable enthusiasm and optimism that accompanied the five days fair. For those who weren't able to visit Tecnargilla, here is a quick overview of our stand and of the [...]read more »
Tecnargilla 2016 Preview
16 Sep

Tecnargilla 2016 Preview

GREEN BLOW Green Blow line expands with new accessories, including a new trasversal diffuser that can reach a size of more than 3 meters ! Come and discover personally the versatility of this new diffuser and test yourself the "Air Space" produced. Moreover, it will be possible to perform, directly during the exhibition, a cooling simulations on the basis of your production [...]read more »