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Another challenging year gone… Xmas 2021
10 Dec

Another challenging year gone… Xmas 2021


In our 2020 Xmas message we talk about the year unfortunately remembered for  Covid-19 pandemic, wishing everyone that 2021 could be better for everybody.

In 2021 the situation has improved for sure but it was not outcome we all hoped for…
In fact, in addition to Covid situation, we had also raw materials shortage that has made it even more challenging.

We thanks all Customers and partners for collaboration trying to go through all difficulties and find together a solution that could meet all needs.

Till now the raw materials situation did not improved anymore compared with the begin of the year, on the contrary, prices are continuing to rise up together with shortage. Furthermore, significant increases in electricity and gas are expected by the beginning of 2022, which are fundamental for our productions.
But, as usual, we will do our best to contain the situation as much as possible.

We would like to remember 2021 also for all positive outcomes !


At the begin of the year, we obtained Approved exporter Status by Custom Agency, that allow to our Customers a lot of advantages importing our goods.

This important milestone confirms the strong propensity and desire to increase our export share and provide an increasingly efficient service to our commercial network and customers.


During all year has continued the official launch of our Pull’n’Catch system, our dust and bacteria suction and filtering air system, who has seen the final show finally with a physical event : Marmomac in Verona.
We never expected to meet you so numerous !
It was a pleasure to meet you all again and discuss about all new products.


We have powered our online assistance, introducing 2 new websites.
The aim is to give you all instruments to find immediately what you want about Air Line.

The house of Air Technology
Where you can find everything about the line, together with a lot of case histories (full of images and videos), mixed between sectors and applications !

The assistance Desk
Dedicated to all GreenBlow air line Customers !
Where you can find 24/7: documents, certification, video tutorials, special setting, and so on…

"Difficulties are part of Life
They are there to prepare you,
increase you and develop you"


Even in this difficult year we have learned something that helped us improve anymore …
… we have changed the way of operating, our organization, increased the workforce, in order to be more reactive and prepared for the next challenges.
Never Give Up !

Our annual contribution goes to the local headquarters of the Italian Red Cross which, especially this years, has been called upon to assist our citizens in this difficult moment.

Once again thanking all the Volunteers, Doctors and Nurses involved on the front line in this emergency for their precious work, our thoughts go to all of them for this Christmas.